Yoga and Therapies for Cancer.

Specialist Cancer Physiotherapy, Lymphoedema Care, Hatha Yoga and Reflexology for people living with and beyond cancer in South West England and online.

A holistic approach to cancer careā€¦

Find out more about the holistic services I offer in Frome, Bath and online with some beautiful testimonials from my regular class attendees


Olivia Core Yoga

Olivia Core Physiotherapy


Olivia Core Lymphoedema

Keep an eye out for details on my upcoming 2024 Autumn Yoga and Wellness Retreat for people living with and beyond cancer or a lifelong condition with Regulate the Pace.


Olivia provides safe and holistic care for people living with and beyond a cancer diagnosis, optimising health and wellbeing before, during and after treatment. Her medical knowledge and skills combined with her understanding of the spiritual and energetic connection of yoga and reflexology allows her to provide individualised care, considering the physical, psychological, emotional, energetic and spiritual impact cancer can have on an individual and their loved ones; and use this to help guide their treatment and healing.